Comments on 2 Nephi 30 v1-2 Nephi takes a moment to include a parenthetical comment to his people. Since the last three chapters have railed pretty hard on the Gentiles, Nephi wants to set the record straight by warning his people off from self-righteousness or bigotry. Nephi makes it perfectly plain that all those who fail to keep the commandments will perish, Gentile or Israelite. And, some of the Gentiles will be righteous, so they will not be annihilated (v. 1). This is because as many as are righteous, regardless of lineage, are accepted, and as many that are unrighteous are cut off, regardless of lineage (v. 2). Nephi's comments here echo those of Moses in Deut. 9:3-5. v2 "Lord covenanteth with none save it be with them who repent and believe in his Son", note the unusual title usage in the "Lord" and "his Son". What is happening here is the immortal Lord is speaking possessively of his mortal flesh, cp. D&C 49:5- 6. v3-9 Nephi prophesies that the book, spoken of in the previous chapters, will come forth first to the Gentiles, and then they will carry it to remnant of the Lehites (v. 3). The result is they will be apprized of the true origin (v. 4) and they will be restored to the gospel of Jesus Christ (v. 5). The result is they will rejoice in this knowledge, shed their spiritual darkness, and become a "pure and delightsome people" (v. 6). Accompanying the initiation of the gathering of the Lehites is the initiation of the gathering of the Jews to their promised lands (v. 7). Thus, the Lord will begin His final work among all nations to bring about the restoration of Israel (v. 8). v6 "pure", the 1st Edition BofM said "white". The emendation was made in the 1981 edition BofM. The context is clearly one of figurative whiteness and not literal whiteness given the references to being blessed and shedding scales of darkness. v7 As far as the Jews beginning to believe in Christ, note Nephi doesn't say they start believing that Jesus is the Christ. What they do is to start to look forward for the Messiah again, cf. 25:16-18. v10-15 Nephi quotes Isa. 11:4-9 to illustrate the final results of the Lord restoring Israel and accomplishing His work, namely the Day of the Lord (v. 9-11), which ushers in the "Millennium" (v. 12-15). Isa. 11 is quoted in full in ch. 21. v16-18 Here, Nephi expounds upon the quotation of Isa. 11:9 in v. 15 to explain what it means. All of the revelations of the Lord to mankind will be made known during the Millennium, cp. 27:11, 29:12-14, D&C 88:108-109. Copyright © 2001 by S. Kurt Neumiller . All rights reserved. No part of this text may be reproduced in any form or by any means for commercial gain without the express written consent of the author. Digital or printed copies may be freely made and distributed for personal and public non-commercial use.