Comments on Alma 38 Shiblon appears to have been quite zealous (v. 2-4), but apparently with something of a problem with pride (v. 11) and arrogance (v. 12-14). Alma's comments to him are derivative of his comments to Helaman in ch. 36, but with careful editing. The verse parallel as follows: Ch. 38 Ch. 36 ------ ------ 1 1 4 2 5 3 6 4-5 7 6-9 8 10, 18 The material Alma selects to present to Shiblon focuses more bluntly on having a testimony of the Lord's deliverance of Shiblon (v. 4-5) and Alma's own spiritual rebirth and firsthand knowledge of Jesus Christ's saving power (v. 6-8). Why? Verse 9 informs us. Alma wants Shiblon to have the same kind of understanding of Christ's salvation that he has. So, Shiblon obviously hasn't received it yet. Shiblon hasn't humbled himself before the Lord yet, as has Alma, and therefore has not received a remission of sins and a powerful testimony of Christ, as has Alma. And v. 10-14 informs us as to why he hasn't. Alma's intent is to encourage Shiblon to continue to be zealous in the Lord (v. 2-3), but to abandon his pride (v. 10-14) and experience the Lord's spiritual powers of deliverance (v. 6- 9) as he has experienced His physical powers of deliverance (v. 4-5). v4 The persecutions mentioned here of being in bonds and of being stoned while among the Zoramites is all we ever hear of any physical persecution aimed at the missionary party. No mention is made of anything like this in ch. 31-34. v10-14 Being the sons of the high priest and former chief judge its not hard to see why they could fall into a trap of pride. Alma was certainly a well-known character among all the Nephites, and was probably well-off as a result of his former employment as the chief judge. So, his sons would have enjoyed considerable notoriety and the perks that would go along with it. Copyright © 2001 by S. Kurt Neumiller . All rights reserved. No part of this text may be reproduced in any form or by any means for commercial gain without the express written consent of the author. Digital or printed copies may be freely made and distributed for personal and public non-commercial use.