Comments on 1 Corinthians 14 After telling the Corinthians that Charity, or agape, is the ideal spiritual gift, Paul goes on to comment on a spiritual gift that is apparently popular and misunderstood among them: speaking in tongues. Paul tells them to pursue love, and that they should be desiring more the prophesy than to speak in tongues (v. 1). This because whoever is speaking in tongues is speaking only to God because nobody else can understand what they are saying (v. 2). Rather, it is better to prophesy in the language of the people so all are edified (v. 3) rather than just the speaker (v. 4). It would be nice if all of the ecclesia could speak in tongues, but he prefers they would prophesy instead (v. 5) because unless the meaning of that spoken in a foreign language is revealed to them (v. 6) then it is just so much noise (v. 7- 11). So, if they are zealous for spiritual gifts they ought to seek to edify the whole ecclesia by speaking in a language they all understand (v. 12-19). He exhorts them to all prophesy rather then speak in tongues because they are a sign for unbelievers who can understand them rather than confuse them (v. 20-25). He then gives rules governing the use of tongues if they still occur and admonishes them to the avoid confusion such things can cause when not used properly (v. 26-33). Paul addresses the matter of women encroaching on the Priesthood addressed in ch. 11 as that apparently arose as a result of their prophesying, and perhaps speaking tongues as well (v. 34-35). Paul points out to them that the word of God came first to them from him (v. 36). He then indicates what he has given them is the Lord's commandment, and if anyone presumes to be a prophet they will recognize this (v. 37). If anyone refuses to recognize this then they should not be recognized (v. 38). He then closes by encouraging them to prophesy over speaking in tongues, but to not forbid tongues (v. 39). Just use tongues judiciously (v. 40). v2 See The LDS Edition KJV footnote on the IV/JST. v5 Paul's desire to have them speak in tongues is so they may communicate with people with other languages, cf. v. 11. v21 is a compound paraphrase of Lev. 26:17-18 and Deut. 28:49. Also on that general subject cp. Isa. 28:11, Isa. 33:19, Isa. 36:11 (2 Kings 18:26). v22 Tongues are a sign to unbelievers as was the case in Acts 2:6-12. v34-35 The IV/JST makes it clear the matter at hand is that of the Priesthood by emending the "to speak" to "to rule". This subject is dealt with extensively in ch. 11. The reappearance here of that subject indicates to us the source of the contention, namely that the exercising of spiritual gifts by women resulted in them assuming the Priesthood and matters of ecclesiastical authority were not exclusively for males. v38 There are manuscript differences in this verse. The KJV reflects the more ancient manuscript readings. The more widely attested to reading provided by the NAS is: But if anyone does not recognize this, he is not recognized. Copyright © 2002 by S. Kurt Neumiller . All rights reserved. No part of this text may be reproduced in any form or by any means for commercial gain without the express written consent of the author. Digital or printed copies may be freely made and distributed for personal and public non-commercial use.