Comments on Acts 16 v3 We would assume Paul circumcised Timoetheus because of non- believing Jews whom they were attempting to proselytize. If they would expel Timotheus from their synagogues because of his uncircumcised condition, then that would preclude teaching in the synagogues. Paul did not do this in order to observe the Law of Moses, cp. Gal. 2:3-4. v6-7 Even though the gospel is granted to all nations, the Lord is still limiting what nations are being proselyted. Unfortunately, no reason is given. v10-17 Note the use of the plural pronoun "we" in these verses. Luke, the author of Acts, must have joined up with Paul and Timotheus for a brief period of time. After v. 17 the narrative returns to third person until 20:5. v17 The woman is apparently possessed by an evil spirit. Compare Mark 5:7 and Luke 8:28 for similar incidents where possessed people make similar confessions. It seems odd Paul would permit the woman to make such a ruckus for several days. Copyright © 2002 by S. Kurt Neumiller . All rights reserved. No part of this text may be reproduced in any form or by any means for commercial gain without the express written consent of the author. Digital or printed copies may be freely made and distributed for personal and public non-commercial use.