Comments on Acts 28 v2 "barbarous people", and again in v. 4 "barbarians", does not convey the meaning well with regard to colloquial English. A better rendering would be "natives". The English term "barbarians" is a transliteration of the Greek "barbaros". The term generally makes reference to rudeness of speech or difficulty in communication, but it can have reference to behavior and customs. However, in this case, it is clear the "barbarians" treat Paul and the others very well and are not "barbarous" in the colloquial English use of the word. v11 "Castor and Pollux", from mythology, the twin sons of Leda and brothers of Helen, famous for their fraternal affection and regarded as protectors of persons at sea [from the Random House College Dictionary]. v29 The text of this verse is absent in many Greek manuscripts. Copyright © 2002 by S. Kurt Neumiller . All rights reserved. No part of this text may be reproduced in any form or by any means for commercial gain without the express written consent of the author. Digital or printed copies may be freely made and distributed for personal and public non-commercial use.