Comments on Genesis 44 v9 The brothers pronounce their willingness to observe the generally acknowledged legal penalties of theft and guilt by association, namely death (cp. 31:32) for the thief and enslavement for the associates. Little do they realize in so doing they put Benjamin in jeopardy of exactly what Jacob feared. v13 "they rent their clothes", this is a Semitic tradition indicating great anguish or terrible emotional distress. One must remember that clothes back then were entirely hand made and of considerable value, unlike today where clothing is inexpensive and mass produced. So, tearing your shirt down the front was no small act of destruction. Their act here parallels Jacob's at his apparent loss of Joseph (cp. 37:34). v14-34 Judah valiantly honors the oath he made to Jacob in 43:8- 9 and attempts to place himself in the place of Benjamin regarding the guilt. In v. 16 Judah appears to be attempting to shift the blame of the theft away from Benjamin and onto all of the brothers equally. In so doing he probably hopes to avoid the death penalty invoked in v. 9 by casting the blame upon the entire group. Recall that Judah is the one who made the oath to Jacob to return Benjamin alive to him (cp. 43:8-9). Then in v. 17 Joseph informs them we will not kill Benjamin for the "crime", but will only enslave them. Naturally they would have taken heart at this, and Judah then takes advantage of the apparent mercy to plead his case before Joseph (v. 18-34). Copyright © 2002 by S. Kurt Neumiller . All rights reserved. No part of this text may be reproduced in any form or by any means for commercial gain without the express written consent of the author. Digital or printed copies may be freely made and distributed for personal and public non-commercial use.